My drawing – and especially life drawing – is the starting point for all the art I make. I love life drawing – it challenges and absorbs me. I never tire of observing the beauty of the human form or of the challenge of depicting what I see. My response is always emotional.

Through exploring textile mediums in recent years  I feel I have found a wonderful way of working with my life drawings that brings them to life as finished pieces. My recent works are the result of my experimentation with fabrics, machine embroidery, felting, collage and other techniques. Working in this way allows me to combine my love of drawing the figure with using exciting materials that let me express what I feel and how I experience the world.  


Centre Place Melbourne, Mixed media

As long as I can remember and wherever I have meandered I have engaged in sketching purely for enjoyment. 

Recently I have been working with my sketches of my favourite Melbourne spaces and the city’s iconic buildings to produce mixed media, stitched and collaged artworks. These vibrant scenes of Melbourne city life aim to convey the atmosphere of the moment and character of the city.  I use freehand machine embroidery on paper to reproduce my spontaneously drawn line, then collage with fabric and recycled papers. Finally I work into the piece with a variety of my favourite mixed media drawing materials including (but not limited to!) pencil, water-soluble aquarelle crayons, chinagraph, water-soluble graphite, charcoal, ink and gouache. 


If you would like more information about my work please get in touch

About My Art

Making art fills me with joy, satisfaction and excitement.  It is to me an essential expression of my thoughts, feelings and concepts.

Through my art I seek to express my love of natural forms including the human form and my wonder at the processes of nature. I am fascinated with the idea of discovering mysteries exposed in the layers and structures within forms and I am interested in this as a metaphor for considering the human psyche.